I'm trying to work on the minuscule freelance stuff I have left on my plate, and find new work to bring in the much-needed income we need. (Read: I have no work. Need Money. If you have something you need done, please contact me!)
I am also working on some new things to sell online. In particular, I am currently working on a post-modern top-down RPG tileset intended to be sold through gamedevfort.com I've been working on this thing for 3 days, and it's turning out pretty sweet. No, I won't show it off until it's up for sale on gamedevfort.com
My game projects have been stalled, but not forgotten. I learned some cool tricks from my daily "social media scan" process which I want to give a try for my S3D game project, and I have been planning some new projects in my head. Soon to be dropped into concept docs, and fleshed out more....Well, soon I hope. Father Time has been a real ass. Someone give him a sleeping pill so I can find the time to get things done!
...Back to work... er... no, wait. Off to sleep...dammit.