Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Where did the time go?

It seems like a lot of time has been passing between my posts lately. And I swear it FEELS like only hours have passed. Time is moving ridiculously fast right now for me. I cannot seem to keep up with everything. For those not in the know, my wife had a baby just under a couple weeks ago (so now we are a family of four) and that has definitely been something new. My son had spent a while in the NICU when he was born, so I missed out on all the fun newborn-y stuff, like the horrible black-tar shits, and the need to feed a zillion times throughout the day and night. So I've gotten little sleep recently, and it's got my head all over the place.

I'm trying to work on the minuscule freelance stuff I have left on my plate, and find new work to bring in the much-needed income we need. (Read: I have no work. Need Money. If you have something you need done, please contact me!)

I am also working on some new things to sell online. In particular, I am currently working on a post-modern top-down RPG tileset intended to be sold through gamedevfort.com I've been working on this thing for 3 days, and it's turning out pretty sweet. No, I won't show it off until it's up for sale on gamedevfort.com

My game projects have been stalled, but not forgotten. I learned some cool tricks from my daily "social media scan" process which I want to give a try for my S3D game project, and I have been planning some new projects in my head. Soon to be dropped into concept docs, and fleshed out more....Well, soon I hope. Father Time has been a real ass. Someone give him a sleeping pill so I can find the time to get things done!

...Back to work... er... no, wait. Off to sleep...dammit.

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